homOeopathy vs homeopathy..!

It is high time that homeopathy catches up with the developments in EBM and move from the symptom-based approach to the DIAGNOSIS based approach which promises more predictable an repeatable results. The rhetorics on classical homOeopathy will only lead homeopathy backwards and place its relevance in doubt in modern times.

MobilePhone30 – Why is it criticized?

Medicines and their imaginative provings like these make the already existing materia medica questionable and doubtful. Here you have 'seen clearly' how 'deeply' a non-ionizing radiation is affecting a bottle of sugar of milk and is 'capable of producing changes' in a human body, even in the diluted/Potentised form. It is a bit surprising and outrageous to believe that would happen at least by a one billionth of a chance..!


A clear understanding regarding why a drug is serially diluted in homeopathy and what happens during the process, itself is the way by which a homeopath can confidently carry out the prescriptions and predict the results.

Such a clarity also insulates a rational homeopath from falling prey to the illogical and pseudo-scientific concepts based on energy medicine.

RETRACTED: Study Validates Anti-Inflammatory Action of Rhus tox

This report published in the Nature Scientific Reports has successfully validated the Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties of RT. This indeed gives a hope in transforming homeopathy from the obsolete ‘Energy Medicine’ and ‘vitalism’ based understanding of disease and symptoms. This helps to understand them as biomolecular errors which manifest through numerous pathways like inflammatory, oxidative or immunomodulatory pathways etc.

Scientific Research: Where does Homeopathy stand?

It is high time to realize this big mistake and to invite open discussions from the experts in science to work towards redefining the homeopathic therapeutics and let it open for rigorous testing based on scientific methods rather than trying to bring in fringe science and unscientific explanations to explain the outdated information and to defend it dogmatically.